Garage makeover and what most people don’t think about
Most often than not, the garage is thought of a place where homeowners could store stuffs that they do not want to see in the main house. In effect, the garage is filled with clutter and up to the point that even the car that you own cannot fit inside, defying the real purpose of the garage.
Nowadays, many homeowners are changing the image of their garage, to the point that they are transforming it to be impressive. Real estate brokers have observed that a garage with a finished makeover adds up to the value of the house, especially of you are planning to sell it.
Tips in garage makeover that you will love
Consider the following tips on how to improve your garage through garage makeover. This will not just potentially increase the value of your home but will also improve how it looks by organization and cleanliness:
1. Maintain the cleanliness – you will often hear that the garage is a dirty place wherein dust and remnants of season that have passed have accumulated. To the point that you do not want to utilize the garage anymore because of the clutter that has been there since God knows when. You can start by removing everything from the garage and most probably than not, you will find a lot of junk that you no longer need but tossed in the garage. Sort what you can throw away, sell or even donate and see if the remaining will still be used in the future. To help you out, tools and work supplies may stay in the garage. Non-workshop stuffs such as bicycle, lawn mowers, and sports equipment need to be stored properly. If there are other members of the family who are sharing the space with you, allot designated areas for their stuffs and for your personal items.
2. Have a worktable – if your have a worktable, you now have your personal workshop. Consider the things you will be able to create and repair in your workshop. Not to mention the space that you will have once it is done. You may also consider a flip-up or flip-down table if you are low in space. The table should also be adjacent to where the sockets are located so you will not have any problem looking for them if you needed to use electrical tools.
3. Storage that you need – if you want to have a proper garage makeover, adding storage would be a necessity. Especially if you want the garage to be clean and organized. Tools and equipment you usually use should be stored where you can access them easily. You can create a pegboard where you hang smaller tools. For tools and equipment not frequently used can be placed in a lockable cabinet where they can be stored safely.
4. Proper lighting – one of the most important key factors in your garage is proper lighting. If you only have one light source, that would not be suffice enough for any work that should be done in the garage. So make sure to have enough light source in the garage, not only for brightening the area but for a safety purposes as well. The trend nowadays is the use of LED light bulbs. This has been a breakthrough in the lighting technology since you still enjoy the lumens of a regular bulb, yet the wattage is way lower. For example: LED = 3.5 Watt = 240 lumens; regular bulb = 25 Watt = 240 lumens. Imagine how much you can save in electrical consumption without sacrificing the quality. In addition to these, there are many styles of light to choose from for your garage, yet still enjoying the benefits of energy consumption.
5. Upgrading the garage floor – most garage floors are made from concrete and receive a lot of abuse such as moisture, chemical and oil spills. Plan upgrading your garage floor in this garage makeover project by applying floor coating or covering the floor. It will not just improve the way it looks but also will protect it from stains and deterioration. There are various floor coating that you may use for your garage which include concrete floor paint, epoxy paint, concrete stain and sealers, garage floor coverings, rigid-snap together tiles, roll out mats, and interlocking flexible tiles.