Tower of Pisa poster and its famous tilt
The building of the Tower of Pisa took two centuries, while the leaning of it already came into the story in about 1173, when construction formally began. Thanks to the soft ground, it had begun to lean by the time its builders got to the third story, in the year 1178. Over the next 800 years, it became clear the 55 meter tower was not just leaning but actually falling at a rate of one to two millimeters per year! This fascinating and amusing conundrum now presents itself to you in the form of Tower of Pisa posters. To further the mystery and intrigue of these Tower of Pisa posters, we would let you know that the real identity of its architects is still unknown! The most accredited architects of the aforementioned first phase of work were Bonanno Pisano and Gherardo din Gherardo. Multiple engineers tried over hundreds of years to correct the famous lean. When construction began on the third story in the 13th century, engineers tried to stop the tilt by building straight upwards, but the center of gravity was thrown off and the tower simply began to lean in a different direction. As construction continued the tower eventually settled back into its southward tilt, where it has stayed ever since, as you can see in Tower of Pisa posters such as "Leaning Tower of Pisa". Although captured from a different angle, this piece still perfectly illustrates the charm and beauty of this monument.
Ring it
As it was with these types of constructions, there was an eventual need for a space within it to accommodate the gongs that would act as gatherer and alarm system of the people below. A final wave of construction picked up in the early 14th century, concluding with the installation of a bell chamber in 1372 which you can glimpse in all of the Tower of Pisa posters. Each of these large bells represents a musical note from the major scale. Though one can still see them when climbing to the top of the tower, they have not tolled since the 20th century. Restorers and engineers worried that their movements would make the tower lean even more. If you are planning to visit this iconic location, you can settle for meantime with a Tower of Pisa poster like "Letter from Italy". This gorgeous artistic rendering can make any wall or room pop with style and charm.
Historic significance of Tower of Pisa posters
As already alluded to, the tower was an often-used pawn in history. In 1934, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini even declared the crooked attraction was a blemish on his nation’s reputation and allocated massive resources for straightening the building out, which would have robbed us of these beautiful and charming Tower of Pisa posters. Mussolini's men drilled hundreds of holes into the tower’s foundation and pumped in tons of grout in a misplaced effort to rectify the tilt. Instead, the heavy cement caused the base of the tower to sink even deeper into the soil, resulting in an even more severe lean! Celebrate this funny anecdote and its historic context with Tower of Pisa posters like "Travel Amore". The beauty and allure of Italy really shines through in Tower of Pisa posters by Photowall such as this.