Solar eclipse wall murals and their context
What makes this astronomical event so unique is that it upsets the natural order as day becomes night and night becomes day. An eclipse has historically been touted as a symbolic portal for rapid change. Thus it would make sense to display solar eclipse wall murals in a space you have just moved into, for instance. A more serious interpretation comes from the fascinating culture of the Incas. Solar eclipses were understood to be a sign of their all-powerful sun god's wrath and displeasure. Following an eclipse, spiritual leaders would attempt to identify the source of his anger and determine which sacrifices should be offered. In the same way, you can appease your desire for wall decoration by getting yourself some stylish solar eclipse wall murals by Photowall! "Eclipse" captures some of that passion and fury with its blazing hues.
Good to know
This natural phenomenon only happens during a new moon, when the lunar orb moves between Earth and the sun. However, because the moon orbits Earth at a slight angle, these three bodies will only periodically line up on the same plane, creating the solar eclipse. The result of this occurrence is the subject of this very category of solar eclipse wall murals. To be a bit more specific, during a total solar eclipse, the moon is in just the right position to briefly cast a massive shadow on our planet. As the moon moves and Earth spins, this shadow races across the planet's surface producing a relatively narrow line called the path of totality. See if you can spot this line in our solar eclipse wall murals. Only sky watchers within this line experience a total solar eclipse, while people near it see only a partial solar eclipse. Nonetheless, it is still fascinating, as evident in these solar eclipse wall murals by Photowall.
Solar eclipse wall murals of the heart
It is no wonder that the phrase above has become such a staple in popular culture as proven by the very catchy song lyrics. Just like solar eclipse wall murals, a sight such as this can really capture the heart in its entirety. Take note though that a total solar eclipse begins as a barely perceptible nibble out of the sun. Over the next hour or so, this darkness spreads and eventually consumes the solar disk, turning day to night! This state is called "totality" and can last as long as seven and a half minutes. "Total Eclipse" is a solar eclipse wall mural that really showcases that. This cool image can look as good in the hallway at home as it can in the break room at the office. The power of solar eclipse wall murals lies in their versatility. You can play mix and match with other elements around it, be it in terms of furniture, carpets but most importantly colour. Solar eclipse wall murals, logically, are dominated by dark and light. Keep this in mind when you are decorating with these images by Photowall..