Background information
When you hear the word "magpie", the first image that usually springs to mind is the European magpie. But there are actually other magpies in Europe, like in Spain and Portugal. Most of them are black and white while some are green and blue and are also called "oriental magpies". There is even one species of blue and white magpie, the azure-winged magpie! Nonetheless, in magpies wallpaper we have decided to focus on the traditional image. Contrary to popular belief, they are large birds that often have long tails. Another distinguishing feature of the birds is that they walk or hop along the ground, which oddly gives them an even more human appeal. The same can be said for magpies wallpaper as they convey a sense of familiarity and affinity for these animals. Perhaps it also has to do with the fact that magpies eat lots of different kinds of food, just like us.
The important trait in magpies wallpaper
We cannot talk about magpies without addressing the aforementioned bias towards them, which is common in many parts of the world. You can go even as far as saying that they are unwelcome especially in rural areas because they destroy crops in farms and "steal" any shiny object they can find. Magpies wallpaper by Photowall can help change that perception because it is actually a misconception that they do this out of pleasure. These birds snatch shiny things because they are afraid of them and thus want to hide them. In folklore and popular culture, this has made them symbolic of intelligence and wit. Did you know that in many tests and experiments conducted on them, it was seen that they could imitate human speech, play games, grieve, and work in teams? This symbolic value can be brought into your space by using magpies wallpaper. A well-placed magpies wallpaper can make a huge difference in the visual weight of a room, and not to mention the symbolism just discussed. People will see a different side to your personality when they view your unique wall decoration.
A great example
The item named "Maggie" is a gorgeous magpies wallpaper that will instantly make an impact, and change the entire appearance of a room. Having such a focal point can make your interior design style stand out among the rest. Family, friends and colleagues will appreciate the beautiful and classy colour combination. This magpies wallpaper is perfect for any kind of room or interior. "Maggie" can look as good in the living room at home as it can in the break room at the office. Works of art have been shown in studies to have an overall positive influence in stressful environments because they allow the people to sit back for a while, and relax. This in turn leads to more cameraderie and an increase in productivity. Allow magpies wallpaper to have the same power and change a common misconception at the same time.