Pandas wallpaper for the youngest
For one of the most adorable sights in real life, get a background with the offspring of these amazing bears. Baby pandas are born pink and measure about 15 centimeters, which is barely the size of a pencil! Female pandas give birth to one or two cubs every two years. These cubs then stay with their mothers for 18 months before venturing off on their own, which is what makes our pandas wallpaper so adorable. Furthermore, unlike most other bears, pandas do not hibernate. When winter approaches, they head lower down their mountain homes to warmer temperatures and continue to chomp away on bamboo. The beautiful work of art "Panda Bamboo" is a pandas wallpaper that captures this affably.
Things to know
Pandas only digest about a fifth of what they eat because bamboo is not very nutritious. To stay healthy, these bears have to eat up to 15 percent of their body weight in 12 hours to make due! See if you can spot them munching in our pandas wallpaper. Interestingly, a panda should have at least two bamboo species where it lives, or it might starve. A scarcity in bamboo threatens the already limited panda population, which brings us to our next point in pandas wallpaper. Pandas play a crucial role in China's bamboo forests by spreading seeds and helping the vegetation to grow. They help to protect not only these unique forests but also the wealth of species that live in them and a host of other endangered animals. Use pandas wallpaper to raise awareness and at the same time equip your rooms with a wonderful wall decoration.
Impact of pandas wallpaper
As you will certainly have seen, pandas appear in many mediums such as TV, film and books. This is mainly due to their child-friendly and cute appearance. This also comes into play when you look at our collection of pandas wallpaper. Arguably the most popular panda is Po, the Kung Fu Panda from the popular film franchise by Dreamworks. Beloved throughout the globe, this character has also helped shine a light on conservation efforts since the panda is the also the WWF ambassador. Pandas wallpaper can also be a catalyst for this, because people will undoubtedly be intrigued as to why you chose such a theme. When you use items such as "Panda Moon", you will immediately change the entire appearance of a room. Charming designs like this pandas wallpaper can be used practically anywhere, but especially in rooms where children spend a lot of time. Not only will it make the room more magical for them, but also upgrade the visual weight to a degree that can fascinate the young ones time and time again.