The appeal of astronomical events posters
Ever since the beginning of human history, people have looked up at the sky for the presence of the sun, the stars or
moon, with various cultures interpreting these celestial bodies in different connotations. They have acted as the link
between civilizations and their gods, as well as a working calendar. This ancient obsession is already part of man's
nature, which is why astronomical events posters are the ideal tool to capture that allure and the beauty of the sky
up above us. Whether or not you are feeling inspired to learn about the wonders of the sky, the solar system, and all
the science behind it, astronomical events posters is the focal point you have been searching for. From real life
photographs that make you feel like you are actually witnessing these phenomena live, to works of art that shine a
more artistic light on these wonders of the natural world, Photowall has it all for you. We have included for your
convenience and perusal the famous northern lights, also sometimes referred to as Nordic lights and aurora borealis,
as well as solar, lunar and total eclipses. No matter where you put these motifs up, you will be the proverbial talk
of the town with these wonderful images.
All eyes to the sky
The northern lights, also called the aurora borealis, appear when tiny particles stream out from the sun and hit
Earth’s atmosphere. These particles give some of their energy to atoms and molecules of gases in the upper atmosphere,
but the atoms and molecules cannot hold its energy. They quickly give it off as another kind of energy, which becomes
the colours of light that we call the aurora. You can see it in astronomical events posters such as Aurora Borealis
over Burntside Lake, a magnificent wall decor that will revitalize any home or office. These lights occur most often
around the North Pole and South Pole because the incoming particles have an electric charge. Essentially, the
atmosphere basically acts as a gigantic neon sign. Northern Light over Troms Coast, Norway is another absolutely
stunning astronomical events poster illustrates how truly breathtaking seeing something like this can be.
Eclipsing in astronomical events posters
An eclipse is basically when one celestial object moves in front of another one. There are merely two types of
eclipses, solar and lunar. Solar eclipses occur when the moon moves directly between the earth and sun, where the
latter totally or partially disappears for a period of time. The aptly titled Solar Eclipse is an astronomical events
poster that depicts this phenomenon almost exactly how you would actually observe in the real world. A lunar eclipse
takes place when the moon crosses the earth's shadow, causing the moon to disappear from the sky for a certain amount
of time. During a total lunar eclipse, the blotted-out moon reappears for a short time, looking reddish-brown. This is
because some of the sunlight that reaches Earth is scattered back by our atmosphere. You can see the entire process in
the astronomical events poster named Lunar Eclipse.